Question : print not able to convery float or money
what's special about decimal, but not float/money that print is not able to convert?
declare @t1 float, @t2 float,@t3 float,@t4 float
set @t1 = 2130.234
set @t2 = 3932.436
set @t3 = 2156.023777
set @t4= ((((@t1/@t2)*@t3)/@t1)*@t2
print convert(decimal(18,8), @t4)
print convert(float(53), @t4)
print convert(money, @t4)
Answer : print not able to convery float or money
FYI: when you do this:
internally, jquery actually "executes":
$('th', document);
that's why you would get all the th in the document.
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