Question : APEX Applications using SSL

Hi All,

I want to know if its possible to run some apex applications under SSL (https) and some normal (http). Normally on something like apache you specify different virtual directories and ther eyou san sepcify if it's ssl or normal.

Apex however is running from one place only so I'm not sure how it would be possible to separate the two.

What I want is something like: with the main page and some basic apex app then when people go into their account (will be a separate apex app) they do so using secure connections or even if that's easier.

I'm guessing it might be possible if I install apache to handle the http requests.

Could someone please give me an indication if this is possible and if so how?

Note: I would be using CentOS Linux and Oracle XE for this exercise.

Answer : APEX Applications using SSL

It's certainly possible, although you might run into unexpected difficulties due to using Oracle XE.

Check out this link:

An older post, but still very useful:
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