Question : lsass.exe System error when replacing SBS 2003 Hard Drives
Help Please.
I an tryint to replace the 2 RAID 1 hard drives in a Fujitsu Econel 50 Server that runs SBS 2003 with two larger drives.
I cannont install anything on the old drives as there is no space so I have Imaged each drive onto a new 250GB SATA drive.
The system boots but then informs me that "the Directory Service cannot start Error 0xc00002e1"
I have restarted in Directory Service Restore Mode but NTDSUTIL cannot repair the problem as the database is corrupt. JET Error -501
There is no backup other than on the old drives as there was no room to install a bckup program.
I have imaged the drives several times but still can't get past this.
Answer : lsass.exe System error when replacing SBS 2003 Hard Drives
sure, that should work, however which aspects of SBS do you use? there is more to it if you do exchange as well, sharepoint etc etc.
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