Question : Find year based on company calendar year

if the company's year is July to June - so the last 6 months of 2009 and first 6 months of 2010 would be 2010 calendar year, and likewise, the last 6 months of 2010 and first 6 months of 2011 would be 2011 calendar year.

how can you deduce this logic from sysdate  that is,for any given date, how can you get the right company's year id.


Answer : Find year based on company calendar year

As long the lab network will in no way have any connectivity to the production network I don't see why you can't make copies of the DC VM's, and you can use the same IP's as you are now. The easiest way to make a copy is to shutdown the VM and use FastSCP.

You can use Lab Manager if you want to, but it seems like overkill for this.
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