Question : Problem Installing Generic Text Printer
I am trying to install a generic text printer on an XP Pro SP3 computer. The printer is an Epson POS receipt printer connected via USB. I *usually* do this by connecting the printer, letting it go through the motions of trying to find the driver, then either selecting the "Generic/Text" driver or changing it to this driver after installation. This time, however, when I connect the printer, XP recognizes it as a new device, prompts me for the drivers, and I tell it that I will specify the driver to locate. When I select the "Printer" as the hardware type, I get a box with the message "Unable to find any drivers for this device." If I continue to install it, and go to Device Manager to update the driver, I get the same message.
It's quite frustrating at this point. I think that Windows believes this device to be a USB device and therefore will not show me any of the printer drivers (like the Generic/Text one that I really, really need).
Answer : Problem Installing Generic Text Printer
This should do it:
For i = 0 To Me.ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If Me.ListBox1.Selected(i) = True Then
myarray(0, 0) = ListBox1.List(i,0)
myarray(0, 1) = ListBox1.List(i,1)
myarray(0, 2) = ListBox1.List(i,2)
End If
Next i
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