Question : Asterisk DialPlan issue
Hello Experts,
In my Asterisk dialplan, I have:
exten => h,1,Gotoif(${TYPE}=FAX?fax
exten => h,n(faxtomail),System(/usr
exten => h,n(hng),Hangup
When any call being hung with TYPE=PHONE, I am getting this in the CLI and the faxtomail system script is being executed:
-- Executing [h@menu:1] GotoIf("DAHDI/8-1", "PHONE=FAX?faxtomail:hng")
in new stack
-- Goto (menu,h,2)
-- Executing [h@menu:2] System("DAHDI/8-1", "/usr/local/bin/sendEmai
Can you tell me why it's going to label (faxtomail) instead of (hng) ?
Answer : Asterisk DialPlan issue
Try to replace:
exten => h,1,Gotoif(${TYPE}=FAX?fax
exten => h,1,Gotoif($["${TYPE}" = "FAX"]?faxtomail:hng)
Works ?
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