Question : Transferring FSMO roles in Windows Server 2003

We currently have two (2) Windows 2003 DC's in our environment, I am going to take down the second server as it is not needed anymore. The second server is called "NTSERVER2" and is the Primary Domain Controller in our environment.

I am in the process of transferring the five main FSMO roles in Windows Server 2003. I have sucessfully transferred the "Schema Master", the "Domain Naming Master", the "RID Master", the "PDC Master'. When I go to transfer the "Infrastructure Master" it will warn me about "NTSERVER1" being the GC (Global Catalog) server in the environment.
As I am planning to take down the second domain controller and we will only have one (1) domain controller afterwards, is it OK to transfer the "Infrastructure Master" role?
I am assuming that it is as this role needs to reside on the DC considering it will be the only obe after the roles have been transferred and the server taken down.

Is this thinkng correct?

Also, I am looking the the 'SYSVOL' and the 'NETLOGON' folders. FRS has them on both servers currently. I ran tests against both using the following command line:

dcdiag /test:netlogons
dcdiag /test:replications

On both servers with the same results, both passed...


Answer : Transferring FSMO roles in Windows Server 2003

It seems, the latest components you have installed are cause of the problem.
What you can do:

1. You can just delete the package (*.pbl file) for the trial version of QuickReport. It is usually located at Delphi/Projects/Bpl folder

2. Also you can find and delete the corresponding key for this package in the registry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\Delphi\7.0\Known Packages

BTW Delphi 7 already comes with QuickReport, but it isn't installed automatically:
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