Question : How to auto-populate a dropdown with the last 10 calendar years?
I would like to auto-populate a dropdown menu with the last 10 calendar years. Previously I auto-populated it from the database with the attached method, but lately I ran into spool space issues and I'd like to use another method. I wonder if it can be done with JavaScript instead. This is what I don't want to use anymore:
Dim rs
set rs=Server.CreateObject("AD
sql="SELECT distinct(Report_Year) FROM Stats_Table"
Set rs = conn.Execute(sql)
<select name="MyReport_Year">
Do While Not rs.EOF
Response.Write "<option>"& rs("Report_Year") &"</option>"
Response.Write "</select>"
Can anyone please help? Thank you..
Answer : How to auto-populate a dropdown with the last 10 calendar years?
well, my blind guess is that: why do you call mbstowcs() ???? it treats UNICODE buffer as multibyte and tries to convert it to UNICODE, so it's no surprise you see 1 single charachter
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