Question : Removing the dash in telephone number

I used maskeditextender to display phone numbers like this:

<cc1:MaskedEditExtender ID="MaskedEditExtender3" runat="server" TargetControlID="textBox21"

However when I save it to the database, id like it to be written as 9999999999 without the dash.
Id like it to parse in the front end,code behind for the textbox21. How is that done removing the dash? thanks

Answer : Removing the dash in telephone number

you already have a function named activateThisColum() which is accepting 'choiceA', 'choiceB', 'choiceC', or 'choiceD'

So you just need to add the one line to that function to set the hidden field value:

-Change #hidden_field to your field id (Keep the # as that means use the Id to match on hidden field id).
-Then change myvalue to match the variable parameter of your activateThisColumn() function.
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