Question : How to turn off or alter amount of space used by System Restore and Shadow Copy in Vista?
I have a 140gb hard-drive on a vista machine where apparently system restore and volume shadow copy are using an absurd amount of space for no reason (something on the order of 110 gb). I was able to clear it out, but it seems like it just keeps filling the entire drive up over and over again (which is really obnoxious) and I need to be able to manually either disable both the system restore and volume shadow copy or force the service to only use a capped percentage of the space that actually contains info on the drive.
What is the best way on Vista to go about ensuring that system restore/volume shadow copy don't magically start eating up another hundred gigs of space?
Answer : How to turn off or alter amount of space used by System Restore and Shadow Copy in Vista?
From an elevated command prompt copy and paste the following:
vssadmin resize shadowstorage /For=C: /On=C: /MaxSize=6GB
Of course you can change the maxsize to whatever you want.
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