Question : Microsoft Flight Simulator X


I've been using MS Flight Simulator X... I have a question about mission "Quito Approach" (flying a 747).

I've attempted this mission several times but never successfully landed the airplane.   Up until the landing approach, I'm ok as I've learned to closely follow the instructions of the co-pilot.

Once I land on the runway, I'm unable to slow down... my landing speed is about 180 knots (recommended is 155 knots).      I'm braking via my joy stick but cannot slow down.    Upon touching down, I press F2 (reverse thrust)... that doesn't do anything though.

Does anyone know of some other keys that I need to press/activiate iot to slow down the 747.


Answer : Microsoft Flight Simulator X

Are you switching off Air Speed Hold, Auto Throttle and Heading Hold before your runway approach?

That should get your final speed down. Also make sure you don't drop the nose as you'll only pick up speed at the last minute.

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