Question : Select Query to pull back columns from four different tables

I need to pull back from left to right, Date, EmployeeName, ProjectName, and Hours that exist in three different tables.
I included a snapshot of the tables below from SQL Server.
Can somebody create a select statement for me to do this?

SQL Server snapshot of the tables
SQL Server snapshot of the tables

Answer : Select Query to pull back columns from four different tables

Consider using columns Id, Name, Description for Projects table.
Also you can remove prefix "Employee" in column names for Employee table.
And you can create Id column for EmployeeProjectHours table to avoid composite PK.
SELECT Date, EmployeeName, ProjectName, Hours 
FROM EmployeeProjectHours EPH
INNER JOIN Employees E ON E.EmployeeId = EPH.EmployeeId
INNER JOIN Projects P ON P.ProjectId = EPH.ProjectId
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