Question : Exchange 2007, Entourage 2008 and SSL Cert Errors
We recently migrated from exchange 2003 to 2007. In doing so, the host name of the machine changed and now is generating SSL Cert errors in Entourage, but not in OWA.
Our previous configuration was as follows :
Exchange located in a DMZ'd network with our hosted DNS on another subnet pointing to the exchange server.
Exchange 2003 Server Name -
Exchange Hosted name for OWA and access through clients -
The current configuration is as follows:
Exchange located in a DMZ'd network with our hosted DNS on another subnet pointing to the exchange server.
Exchange 2007 Server Name -
Exchange Hosted name for OWA and access through clients -
I've installed the SSL cert for all services as well as configured DNS both inside the DMZ'd network and our normal subnet to point the name to the proper machine.
When I access OWA through a browser, I do not receive any SSL warning messages, all shows correctly. I'm wondering if I may need to obtain a new cert with a SAN referencing the new physical machine name? Or is there possibly something I've missed in configuration on attaching the ssl cert to the hosted exchange services.
I should note that I do not have any Outlook clients to test with, only Entourage 2008.
Answer : Exchange 2007, Entourage 2008 and SSL Cert Errors
Then we need to get a new SAN certificate including the name of Exchange 2007 Server Name -
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