Question : better way to retreive a value for the last entry in a table
I have tables related to purchases that hold products and qty ordered values for each customer order.
Im trying to return a value for qty the last time an order was placed for a particular product.
The follow code works but I'd like to know a better way to do it please?
-- find the last purchase for a product for each customer that placed an order within a specific time frame
SELECT MAX(dbo.tbPurchaseItem.iPu
rchaseId) AS LastPurchase, dbo.tbPurchase.iCustomerId
into #tmp
FROM dbo.tbProduct x INNER JOIN
dbo.tbPurchaseItem ON x.iProductId = dbo.tbPurchaseItem.iProduc
dbo.tbPurchase ON dbo.tbPurchaseItem.iPurcha
seId = dbo.tbPurchase.iPurchaseId
WHERE (x.iProductId = 11 OR
x.iProductId = 22) AND (dbo.tbPurchase.dtPurchase
> '01 mar 2010')
GROUP BY dbo.tbPurchase.iCustomerId
-- find the qty ordered for the products in the last order
SELECT dbo.tbPurchaseItem.iQty as TotalQty, dbo.tbPurchase.iCustomerId
FROM dbo.tbProduct x INNER JOIN
dbo.tbPurchaseItem ON x.iProductId = dbo.tbPurchaseItem.iProduc
dbo.tbPurchase ON dbo.tbPurchaseItem.iPurcha
seId = dbo.tbPurchase.iPurchaseId
WHERE (x.iProductId = 11 OR
x.iProductId = 22) and dbo.tbPurchaseItem.iPurcha
seId in
(select LastPurchase
from #tmp)
Answer : better way to retreive a value for the last entry in a table
In SAP, there is no total summed amount for Purchase Requisition...
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