Question : electrical potential energy - q1
I really don't understand current electricity. Every time I try and study it I learn a bit more but also end up getting more confused. Part of the problem is because of innate misconceptions i seem to have about electricty. I think I need to clear some of these up
Please can you tell me if the following is correct:
- is there a point where a positive and negative charged object have an electrical potential energy of 0 ? Using an analogy of gravitational energy, this would be the equivalent of an object on the earth's surface and not lifted up in anyway. Conceptually i imagine that the 2 charged objects are 'allowed to interact' and there is no separation between them. (but i don't know how that would work in reality due to atomic radii etc).
Answer : electrical potential energy - q1
thanks. i have narrowed it down to the facybox plugin. if i open the form in facybox then the form plugin does not work does anyone know if facybox strips tags from form or html? thanks
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