Question : Clear rotated logs on startup in log4j using RollingFileAppender

I have my log4j config set up with MaxBackupIndex=1.  When I close down the app then bring it up, it clears the main log file (which is what I want), but does not delete any rolled files from the previous run (this is what I want to change).

For example, if the log file is gui.log and I close the gui when gui.log and gui.log.1 exist, then I bring up the GUI again, I want gui.log cleared (which is happening) and gui.log.1 deleted (what I'm trying to figure out how to do).

Any suggestions would be most appreciated.  Thanks!

Answer : Clear rotated logs on startup in log4j using RollingFileAppender

I'm not a math guy at all, however, I am a google guy.
Googled around a bit, and found:

Just from reading your book, and some google pages, I'd say "Yes" to using non matrix rules to subtract terms.  To me (not an expert, just a second opinion) it looks like you're going from matrices, to an equation, then back to a matrix.
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