Question : How to provide an additional/extra dll file when deployin a feature in sharepoint?

In MOSS, I have a feature that has a receiver assembly and a receiver class specified. The receiver class extends SPFeatureReceiver. Inside the receiver class, I have implemented my code for the FeatureActived method.

My code inside the FeatureActivated method, is attaching an additional in-house dll to add an event to a given list.

In code it look similar to:
                                                    in-house-assembly, class-iniside-the-in-house-assembly)
where in-house-assembly contains teh assembly information and the class-inside-the-in-house-assembly is as per the name describes it.

So far, I have been able to make this solution to work on the condition that the additional in-house dll has been previously installed into the GAC (gacutil /if in-house-assembly.dll)

My question: is there any way I can provide the additional in-house dll as a file, module, resource or whatever other way, to the feature, and to make the feature to install this addditional dll int the GAC, before the FeatureActivated method being executed? If so, how can I achieve this?

Thank you in advance,


Answer : How to provide an additional/extra dll file when deployin a feature in sharepoint?

Try something like this

Assuming shopping cart table name is 'shopping_cart' and assuming you have the db declared.
for ( $counter = 0; $counter <= (count($array)-1); $counter++) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO shopping_cart
(qty, name, item_id, price) VALUES('".$array[jcart_item_qty][$counter]."', '".$array[jcart_item_name][$counter]."', '".$array[jcart_item_id][$counter]."' ,'".$array[jcart_item_price][$counter]."' ) ") 
or die(mysql_error());  

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