Question : Controller reached the maximum of 10 restarts per 24 hours
I'm hoping someone will be able to help with the following:
Over the last couple of days I have been getting Event ID 20406. Restarting the server has sorted the issue, but ofcourse that's only temporary. Almost every troubleshooting step I have seen about this issue references two further Event IDs of 5305 and 5202, however, none of these are appearing in the Event Log for Application or System or anywhere else.
I have looked over the CTRL log but there doesn't seem to be anything obvious there either.
The only related thing I have seen in the event logs is Event ID 10000 which states: "servername agent 1 violated CPU usage constraint of 90% for 601 seconds exceeding the set maximum of 600 seconds. Restarting."
The setup is Blackberry Server Express on Exchange Server 2003 (I know, not ideal) using the BESAdmin account.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Answer : Controller reached the maximum of 10 restarts per 24 hours
Remove inactive and long-pending initilizing accounts from your BES.
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