Question : EtherChannel on Cisco 2960 switch intermittent dropped packet
I have a IBM BladeCenter BNT Virtual Fabric switch and has configured 2 ports to trunk to a Cisco 2960 switch. On the 2960, I have enable EtherChannel on the 2 ports and it appears to be working fine.
However, I started to get dropped packets on the EtherChannel- When I do a continuous ping, I get random time outs. When I pull out any one of the cables, the connection stabilizes and I do not have any packet loss. As soon as I have both links in place, packets are dropped again.
On my 2960 -
interface Port-channel 1
switchport mode trunk
interface GigabitEthernet0/46
channel-group 1 mode on
interface GigabitEthernet0/47
channel-group 1 mode on
Answer : EtherChannel on Cisco 2960 switch intermittent dropped packet
report back with the output of these commands please:
show etherch detail
show etherch load-balance
show int trunk
show int gi0/46 status
show int gi0/47 status
show int gi0/46
show int gi0/47
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