Question : SBS 2008 SharePoint Companyweb Layout Missing
I've just performed a clean install of SBS 2008 and have one lingering issue with SharePoint / Companyweb -- The layout is missing. Currently, there's no background, images or header layout. See the attached screenshot for a better idea of what I'm talking about.
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(File Type Details)
Companyweb with missing layout Screen Shot
Initially the SharePoint Configuration Wizard failed on the last step. A Microsoft kb article advised on copying the web.config file from
soft Shared/Web Server Extensions/12/CONFIG/
soft Shared/Web Server Extensions/12/LAYOUTS/
Doing so resolved the issue preventing the Configuration Wizard from completing. Upon completion, however, I am missing the layout.
Any thoughts on getting this back up and running properly?
Answer : SBS 2008 SharePoint Companyweb Layout Missing
I've resolved this issue.
I wound up restoring C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAY
OUTS from a Previous Version and that did the trick.
Thanks for the suggestions, guys.
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