Question : Move Mailbox Powershell Script (sending Welcome e-mail HTML format)
Moving the mailbox (from 2003 to 2010) is not a problem..however i cannot get the script to determine the move status ( and send welcome email if status = completed or completed with warning). I've included my script below. My main problem is getting it send the HTML email.
Could anyone stop me from pulling out what's left of my hair?
function SendEmail
Param ($To, $From, $Subject, $Body, $Attach)
$msg = New-Object Net.Mail.MailMessage
$msg.From = $From
$msg.Body = $Body
$body= New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
$msg.Subject = $Subject
$msg.IsHtmlBody = $true
$client = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient("local
$EmailTo = “*”
$EmailFrom = “*”
$EmailSub = “Migration to Exchange 2010”
$EmailBody = get-content "c:\temp\welcomemail.html”
| Out-String
#Call Function
SendEmail $EmailTo $EmailFrom $EmailSub $EmailBody
Answer : Move Mailbox Powershell Script (sending Welcome e-mail HTML format)
You have put IsBodyBody, it's IsBodyHtml !!
Also, make sure you have a file called 'welcomemail.html' in c:\temp
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