Hi again,
did you actually run "cfgmgr -v fcs0" ?
Because this is a syntax error (the correct format would have been "cfgmgr -v -l fcs0")
it's no wonder that cfgmgr didn't do what you expected ... but you should have seen an error message!
The "-v" flag only means "verbose" and doesn't have any influence on cfgmgr's functionality!
Anyway, the "-l (name)" parameter instructs cfgmgr to configure the device (name) and all its children,
so with the above format you should at least have seen the fscsix0 children of fcsx, and with HDLM's configuration method the appropriate paths should be there, too.
"cfgmgr" alone (or with "-v") on the other hand would try to configure any device it finds.
So if you actually used "cfgmgr -v -l fcs0" without success it could be that Hitachi DLM would have some special method which is not triggered along with the fcsx configuration.
It's some years ago that our last HDS Lightning got scrapped, so I fear you will have to post the output of "lsdev -C" or even "lscfg" for me to check, if you'd like to dig deeper into this.