Question : Select DISTINCT Question
I have two tables in a database; the first table is companies with a unique autonumber named ID as the primary key. The second table is named case_notes and has a filed named employer_id that is related to the ID fiield in the first table the relatiionship is a one-to-many - whereas the case_notes table can contain many employer_id's from the first table. The image shows the relationship and relevant fields. Users of the database can add ‘notes’ in the case_notes table; again each company can have many case_notes.
I need to be able to create a query that will return a list of distinct companies that includes the most recent case note based on the date field in the case_notes table. This of course is an Access database. Thanks in advance
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Answer : Select DISTINCT Question
SELECT company, a.MaxDate
SELECT employer_id, MAX([Date]) as MaxDate
FROM employers e
INNER JOIN case_notes c
ON e.ID = c.employer_id
GROUP BY employer_id) as a
WHERE id=a.employer_id
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