Question : Exchange 2010 - Can't Create Send Connector
I am adding an Exchange 2010 Server to my Exchange 2003 organization. I have configured the server with the Hub Transport Role currently and I'm going in circles trying to figure out either A) How to add a Send Connector for internet traffic to have the server itself send email or B) have it route outgoing mail through the existing Exchange 2003 server.
When I go into EMC I don't have an option to modify or create new Send Connectors. I can modify and create receive connectors, but not Send Connectors. I don't even see the tab that is referenced in all of the documentation that I have found. I've added the Administrator account that I am using to Organization Management Role Group and that all LOOKS to be okay, but this is all a little bit foreign and new making the jump from 2003.
Please help!
Answer : Exchange 2010 - Can't Create Send Connector
You must be looking in the wrong place. Make sure you are looking under the Ogranization tabs.
Quick google shows this tab. Can you see that?
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