Question : KDC errors in middle of the night - had to reboot to get server back up
We have a 3 week old Dell T310 server. We have had numerous hardware issues -they have replaced motherboard, RAM, processor, power supply. After the replacement, server came back up (after some work). Everything worked fine from 1pm to 4:30am. At EXACTLY 4:30:00am, the server got its first error message and from there it had hundreds.
The Security Account Manager failed a KDC request in an unexpected way. The error is in the data field. The account name was SERVER$ and lookup type 0x8.
Dell says its not a hardware issue. Just seems strange.
Windows SBS 2008
Any suggestions?
Answer : KDC errors in middle of the night - had to reboot to get server back up
Everything looks good. KCC service could have had issues last night but after a restart of the service when you rebooted fixed the issue. I have seen it happen a couple of times. You are ok there is nothing to worry about.
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