Question : Increment Value
I have an SQL statement that extracts the last 3 digits of string.
SELECT MAX(SUBSTRING(identifier, 13, 3)) AS Expr1
FROM tbl_meta
WHERE (identifier LIKE '%' + @identifier + '%')
If this returns a value then I need to increment the value returned by one. Originally the code returned a string. I have since added code to convert this to an integer. The problem is that it now chops the leading zeros off.
<%# Convert.ToInt32(Eval("Expr
1")) + 1%></h4>
When it was a string it would return 004, now it returns 4. Any way I keep the leading the zero’s. I need it to return 005.
Answer : Increment Value
well the first program runs a gps receiver .. and second program uses the gps signal generated by the first to evaluate the cell phone signal!.
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