Question : GPO Software Installation Based Upon Hardware

I'm running Windows 2008 R2, with XP SP3.

Is there a way through Group Policy to install software based upon what hardware is plugged into a PC?  Example:  SOME of our teachers have document cameras plugged into their PC.  I'd like to test if the document camera is plugged in and if so GPO would install the software for the camera.

The cameras move around on any given day from room-to-room, so it needs to be dynamic.

Any thoughts?

Answer : GPO Software Installation Based Upon Hardware


Basically software deployment using GPO can be done in two ways

1. Publishing
The user can select and install the software from the add remove programs , but they need admin rights for this

2. Assiging
This one is the commnly used assign to computer when the computer restart it will installed on that system.

for your requirement you can publish the software so that the users can install or remove when ever they needed, but for my knowledge its not possibel to automate it.

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