Question : MS-Access doesn't recognize all rows in text file ...
Hello Experts;
I'm working with a very large pipe-delimited text file that I need to manipulate somewhat. I've tried importing it into MS-Access, but it only recognizes 395527 rows of the 399213 total. I do not recieve any kind of import error and all of the field are imported fine per the spec I set up.
The file size is well under the 1gig limit of Access, only taking 100 someodd megs total when I import into a clean mdb file.
I have also tried linking to the text file, but the row count is the same.
I've verified the number of rows using NoteTab and did not see any kind of strange terminating characters or anything unusual with the rows at 395527, so I'm puzzled why Access truncates with 3686 rows left.
Any ideas?
Answer : MS-Access doesn't recognize all rows in text file ...
I didn't test it... I was just trying to point out that you need both your original condition and the 2nd condition.
dmax(something, something, "condition1 AND condition2")
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