Question : Xenserver 5.5 won't install with raid controller 9650SE
I am trying to install XenServer 5.5 on a brand new box with 4x2TB sata drives attached to a 3ware 9650SE which is on the XenServer HCL. However when i start up the installation process i receive an unrecoverable error.
Even though it's on the HCL do i need to install the drivers for the controller when the installation process prompts for load drivers?
Does anyone know where I can get the drivers that Xenserver will accept at that prompt? I've tried multiple driver discs and XenServer always says "no compatible drivers found".
Answer : Xenserver 5.5 won't install with raid controller 9650SE
In general, you should install XenServer itself on a smaller, local drive. RAID 1 is best, but not required. Once installed, then attach the 3Ware controller as a local storage repository. That will alleviate driver issues with the installer.
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