Question : How to pass a variable into DATEADD function in SQL String

I have an application that uses sqlDataAdapter and datasets to get data for a application. From an SQL server database.

The data request is filtered by date - specifically "Get all rows where the student license expires in less than x days -  'x' being the varaible I want to pass into the SQL statement.

The where clause in the SQL string uses a DATEADD function.

Parameters with the SQLDataADapter do not seem to fit this scenario very well as they seem to need a column value to bind to in the SQL Stataement. So how do I pass a dynamic variable value into the DATE add function within the SQL.

The following snippet is far as I got when trying to use parameters:

sSql_Where = " And END_DT >= DATEADD(dd ,@DateCount, Date )"

Any help appreciated

Answer : How to pass a variable into DATEADD function in SQL String

Maybe it would be easier to do the date calculation in VB then build the where clause?
in vb:
dim DateCount as integer = x
dim CutoffDate as date = DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, DateCount , Date)

sSql_Where = " And END_DT >= " & CutoffDate
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