Question : windows installer problem
i uninstalled openoffice form a pc running XP SP3 that also had Office 2003 installed.
now i could not open EXCEL - Word did open fine.
so i tried to repair Office - ->impossible; then tried to uninstall Office - - > impossible, it says : cannot open this patchpackage, verify if it exists
then i tried to run the windows installer cleanup util, msicuu2
when i run that, it gives an error window windows Script Host : on startmsi.vbs : cannot find module
i tried the Dial a fix, and reregistered the dll : regsvr32 %systemroot%\system32\vbsc
ript.dll which was successful, but did not help
also tried registering regsvr32 scrrun.dll without success...
anybody has an idea how to fix the installer cleanup, or uninstall Office?
Answer : windows installer problem
too late guys, i'm reformatting...
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