Question : Does Crystal Reports 11.5 run on Windows 7 64 bit
I want to run a legacy application on a windows 7 64 bit box , This application uses crystal reports 11.5 (release2) and works fine on all 32 bit OS. I crashes now on windows 7 64 bit.
Does anybody know what steps I need to take to run my application.
The SAP web site is driving me mad and I feel I need to regress back and ask this simple question .
Does CR11.5 run on windows 7 64 bit and where do I get the runtime files ?
Answer : Does Crystal Reports 11.5 run on Windows 7 64 bit
What I discovered was that if I compiled my program to x86 rather than x64 or any cpu then the crystal reports worked fine . It took alot of time to work this out but alais I got there in the end.
Thanks for your help...
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