Question : Using rand() to generate data
I am trying to generate test data. I have one table that has a list of dates, another that has a list of residents. I want to generate a metric that is 1 80% of the time, and 0 the other 20%. Presumably, a random generator function needs to be employed.
Here's what I have:
SELECT D.ActualDay, R.RESIDENT_ID, 1 AS 'Metric'
Which generates my data except my metric is always 1. I did try using rand() and got a random number in the metric field, but it was the same number repeated over and over. I want a stored procedure, which I can run that will populate a table having fields day, resident, metric using the dates from DIM_DATE and the residents from DIM_RESIDENT.
Answer : Using rand() to generate data
CAST( NEWID() AS varbinary )
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