Question : Utilizing array gleamed from GetRows method in Access VBA
Hi. I am using the code below to gather the IDs of the fields where the field 'Invoiced" is checked.
This creates a two dimensional array. I need to use each of the values held in this array but am not sure how. For instance if I use MsgBox UBound(MyID) when there are three values I get 1 returned which doesn't make sense
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As dao.Recordset
Dim MyIds As Variant
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Select ID from [Room Bookings] where Invoiced = true")
'You might try .MoveLast and .MoveFirst to insure the recordset is filled whe using the GetRows method below
'/note I also use an arbitrarily large number instead of .Recordcount
MyIds = rs.GetRows(999999)
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Answer : Utilizing array gleamed from GetRows method in Access VBA
It is a 2d array (0,0) - (0, recordcount-1)
MsgBox UBound(MyIds, 2)
Will tell you the ubound of the 2nd dimension.
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