Question : Adding Contact with ActiveRoles PowerShell
I'm trying to create mail enabled contacts from a csv file. I'd like to have the contact created with the givenName, sn, and mail attributes. Below is a sample of the csv file.
last,first,mail Bob,Smith,[email protected]
I plan on using the following: $OU = "<DN Path>" $Users = "file.csv" New-QADObject -Type "Contact"
I think I need some sort of if statement to pull in the information from the rows but I'm having problems putting it all together.
Any help would be appreciated.
Answer : Adding Contact with ActiveRoles PowerShell
Yes. You could also add the Exchange snapins into the ActiveRoles console and do all the work from there. To get a list of available snapins, use get-pssnapin -registered to add them, use add-pssnapin <snapin name>