Question : PHP Directory List Group and Sort
There are many solutions on the web for PHP directory listing howwver the ones I found either didn't have all the functions or I couldn't make all the functions work together. would appreciate help with the following for a beginner:
Relative path = 'files/'
Get all directories and files under this path and output in unordered list as follows:
- Directory Name (sort ascending)
- "Date Group" by File Created Date Descending.
- <a href="path/filename">File name</a> | File Size | Created Date (sort descending: m/d/Y H:i:s)
so an example output might look something like this:
* Folder-A
+ Files created on 02/03/2010
> file01212.txt | 352 kb | 02/03/2010 17:30:01
> file01112.txt | 352 kb | 02/03/2010 17:30:00
+ Files created on 02/02/2010
> file08212.txt | 152 kb | 02/02/2010 10:30:25
> file01118.txt | 302 kb | 02/02/2010 07:30:24
* Folder-B
+ Files created on 03/07/2010
> file0121.txt | 1352 kb | 03/07/2010 09:00:01
> file0000.txt | 6352 kb | 03/07/2010 08:30:00
Thanks in advance.
Answer : PHP Directory List Group and Sort
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