Question : Failed to create a trust - "The specified account already exists." - when creating new domain tree

Gang, I am trying to create a new domain tree in my windows 2003 forest. Mid way through the Dcpromo process  I'm receiving the following error at the netlogon portion of the promo:

The operation failed because:

Failed to create a trust with domain on the parent domain controller \\

"The specified account already exists."

Im thinking this is a DNS issue? Does anyone have specific instructions as to how DNS must be configured when joining a member server as a new domain  etc  ?
The active Directory team was unsuccessful at providing a solution. Im hoping you  will be able to resolve.

Answer : Failed to create a trust - "The specified account already exists." - when creating new domain tree

Has this mailbox been disconnected / disabled / deleted ?

Check disconnected mailbox here (Screenshots) and how to access that.
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