Question : Interferance
Good afternoon,
We have got a massive issue at one of our sites with interfernce. Everything has been working fine since the install, but about 3 months ago on all the analgue lines (Video and Fax lines) we have been experincing intrference.
On the Video lines, we just get white lines all over the screen, and on the fax lines the interference is soo bad it is causing faxes to be missed.
Initially we thought it would be the actual cables, but have ruled that out, and currently we are looking at going down the route of getting the electrics tested for an earthing problem, but as I havnt got a clue here, I thought Id try and open it up here for any suggestions on where I can go from here.
Any ideas or suggestions on where to look/do would be appriciated.
Thank you
Answer : Interferance
I think your best bet (for these constraints) is to switch to WPF
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