Question : Excel 2010 - How can I streamline this code

As some of you may have recognised I have been writing a spreadsheet to do with price lists. I am at the final stages now of the first draft. Obvioulsy recording macros gives me some insight on how VBA works but I was wondering if anyone could have a look at my code and tell me where I could streamline it.

Specifically I have masses of 'ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = ' scroll commands where I have been paging down to get to a cetain row. I would like to know how I can clean this up from the code point of view. It works fine, I just want to know the correct way to program such things and learn from my mistakes etc


Answer : Excel 2010 - How can I streamline this code

Have a look at this.  I've removed a lot of unnecessary lines and combined other lines to remove the Select statements.  This will optimize your code.

It fails on the theme color and the sorting, because I don't have them in a sample workbook.  Try it with your workbook and if you run into any problems, then post your workbook you're running this on.
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