Question : After installing MS SQL 2008 on a SBS Premium Server, cannot run reports no SBSMonitoring instance
We are in the process of configuring a new Windows 2008 SBS Premium HP Server. When we installed the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 we could not keep the SQL Express 2005 Viewer. We attempted to try to upgrade the SBS SQL Express 2005 SBSMonitoring database but this did not work, so we installed SQL Server 2008 and afterwards cannot access or create reports within the SBS Console.
Errors occur when refreshing the SBS Console in Reports states "There was an error while loading data for this page" and when we attempt to Add New Report and save we get the error "The report properties cannot be saved. Reopen the report properites dialog, and try again".
Within the Services there does not appear to be a SQL service for the reporting SBSMonitoring agent.
There does not appear to be any databases that I can find easily to upgrade either, does anyone know the default location ?
Anyway, we now have a server which does not have a SBSMonitoring instance or database that can be seen within the 2008 SQL server consoles. Is there a way of installing this component of the server again ? We would prefer to have the SBSMonitoring instance live within the 2008 SQL environment if possible. If this is not possible how can this instance or situation be fixed.
We were hoping to deploy the server this weekend (21st Aug 2010). Any help provided would be appreciated.
Answer : After installing MS SQL 2008 on a SBS Premium Server, cannot run reports no SBSMonitoring instance
We decided to reload from scratch. This link helped during the installation of MS SQL 2008 Server :
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