Question : MS Access Trim function
I get sales data from one of my accounts in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. As a rule I get 25,000 records per week. The problem I have is that some of data in the same field (MFRNO) has a space before the number, causing problems when creating queries. If you look at record 64 in the attached Accesss DB you will an empty space before the data MFRNO field. The data in record 63 is properly justified as is other data in the MFRNO field is fine.
I have a atached a small Access DB with a table called Trim. Can I use the trim function on selected records in the same field so all my data is properly justified.
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DB to use trim function
Answer : MS Access Trim function
Here you go. There are two queries, one that trim and one that shows original next to trim so you can see the differences
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DB With Queries
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