Question : configure .vacation.msg to send email every time

So I have the .vacation.msg working  on my Linux server.  But I've been asked to make it so that each and every time someone emails the person on vacation, they get the vacation msg reply. (the behavior currently is to only respond to each email sender once with the vacation msg or perhaps once a week)  I think there's a way to do this from a command line, but I don't want all the users doing this, they modify their vacation msg thru EnsimPro interface.  Is there either a  thing they can put in their vacation msg to do this per user, or else can I modify something to change this behavior? thanks.

Answer : configure .vacation.msg to send email every time


I never used it, but afaik there is a "-tN" option to /usr/bin/vacation specifying the days between replies.
Default is indeed one week, and with "-t1" you could reduce this to one day.

Some implementations of vacation even support a suffix of "w", "d", "h", "m" or "s" for weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds (!).

Try it!

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