Question : Sync to Sharepoint?

I've some 100 folders/files on a Windows file server and need to sync them TO a SharePoint system (due to some some missing files that were refused by Sharepoint). So actually I'd like to know the DIFF between source and target system (SharePoint) and the SYNC tool should do the job.
Will SyncToy or Robocopy be able to perform this task?

Answer : Sync to Sharepoint?

Yes you can do this with any file replication tool, but synctoy and robocopy will not support http paths to files - retrieve the UNC path to your library in sharepoint by opening the library in windows explorer from the actions menu: - will open up in explorer, this converts into the following UNC: -

Test the above in explorer again to make sure you can browse to it and use this when setting up the location in your replication tool

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