) #end param
# Begin Functions
function funHelp()
$descriptionText= `
NAME: LocateDisabledUsers.ps1
Locates disabled users a local or remote domain by
supplying the netbios name of the domain.
The script can query multiple domains by accepting
more than one value for the -domain parameter. The
script also supports using -whatif to prototype the
command prior to execution
-domain the domain or domains to query for locked
out users. Note: this is the netbios domain name.
Does not accept fully qualified domain name. For
example: nwtraders is correct, is
-query executes the query
-whatif prototypes the command.
-help prints help description and parameters file
-examples prints only help examples of syntax
-full prints complete help information
-min prints minimal help. Modifies -help
"@ #end descriptionText
$examplesText= `
Displays an error missing parameter, and calls help
LocateDisabledUsers.ps1 -query
Queries disabled user accounts. The domain queried is
the local logged on users domain from the machine
that launched the script
LocateDisabledUsers.ps1 -domain nwtraders, contoso -query
Queries disabled user accounts in the nwtraders domain and
in the contoso domain. The script is executed locally
LocateDisabledUsers.ps1 -query -domain nwtraders -whatif
Displays what if: Perform operation locate disabled
users from the nwtraders domain.The query will execute
from the localhost computer
LocateDisabledUsers.ps1 -help
Prints the help topic for the script
LocateDisabledUsers.ps1 -help -full
Prints full help topic for the script
LocateDisabledUsers.ps1 -help -examples
Prints only the examples for the script
LocateDisabledUsers.ps1 -examples
Prints only the examples for the script
"@ #end examplesText
$remarks = `
For more information, type: $($MyInvocation.ScriptName) -help -full
" #end remarks
if($examples) { $examplesText ; $remarks ; exit }
if($full) { $descriptionText; $examplesText ; exit }
if($min) { $descriptionText ; exit }
$descriptionText; $remarks
} #end funHelp function
function funline (
$char = "=",
$sColor = "Yellow",
$uColor = "darkYellow",
$local:helpText = `
Funline accepts inputs: -strIN for input string and -char for seperator
-sColor for the string color, and -uColor for the underline color. Only
the -strIn is required. The others have the following default values:
-char: =, -sColor: Yellow, -uColor: darkYellow
funline -strIN "Hello world"
funline -strIn "Morgen welt" -char "-" -sColor "blue" -uColor "yellow"
funline -help
} #end funline help
$strLine= $char * $strIn.length
Write-Host -ForegroundColor $sColor $strIN
Write-Host -ForegroundColor $uColor $strLine
} #end funLine function
Function funWhatIf()
foreach($sDomain in $Domain)
"what if: Perform operation locate disabled users from the $sDomain domain"
} #end funWhatIf
Function funQuery()
Foreach($sDomain in $domain)
$strOutput = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_useraccount -filter `
"domain = ""$sDomain"" AND disabled = 'true'"
$count = ($strOutput | Measure-Object).count
If($count -eq 0)
funline -scolor green -ucolor darkyellow -strIN `
"There are no disabled accounts in the $sDomain"
} #end if
funline -scolor red -ucolor darkyellow -strIN `
"$count disabled in the $sDomain domain -- List follows:"
format-table -property name, sid -AutoSize -inputobject $strOutput
} #end else
} #end foreach
} #end funquery
# Entry Point
if($help) { funhelp }
if($examples) { funhelp }
if($full) { funhelp }
if($whatif) { funWhatIf }
if(!$query) { "missing parameter" ; funhelp }
if($query) { funQuery }