Question : Need to convert a Single byte obtained from text file to an integer in PHP
Be forwarned- extremely new to PHP.
I am reading a text file from disk and I need to read the contents byte for byte. Every XX number of characters is a single-byte that represents a short integer value. How do I convert a single-byte into an integer? The single-byte will represent a number from 0 to 255.
$fhandle = fopen($this->FilePath, 'r');
$rowID = unpack('S', fread($fhandle, 2)); //works fine with 2 bytes;
echo 'ROW ID = '.$rowID[1]; //I have the ROW ID
$rowLength = unpack('S', fread($fhandle, 1)); //errors out with single byte
Answer : Need to convert a Single byte obtained from text file to an integer in PHP
ok thats ok, because you are getting the character representacion of the ascii code, you need to translate the character to he ascii code.
To do that use the function ord ().
i hope it works
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