Question : How do i add a link to a favorite in outlook that will open the website within outlook?

We are trying to implement a new email archiver.  i dont like the outlook hook they have for it.  So I figured out that if I open the webpage within outlook it acts pretty much the same.  I dont want them to have to browse out of outlook to get to it.  I tried creating a homepage for a folder, but everytime I click on that folder it reverts to the hompage and wont keep them on the screen they were.  I was hoping to keep that folder thing except have it keep your page your on instead of going back to the homepage listed.  Any help would be aweseome.  Thanks

Answer : How do i add a link to a favorite in outlook that will open the website within outlook?

In the outlook folders list view, right click on Mailbox - 'username' and choose properties

Then, click the homepage tab, ensure that 'show the home page by default for this folder' is checked.  Then, in the address box, enter in the URL to the archiver web interface.  Click apply.

Now, when you click on Mailbox - UserName, it will display the web page in the Outlook browser pane.
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