Question : What is Overloading?

I need a refresher on overloading as it rerlates to C#, VB and C++.

Does C# support operator overloading? I have not used that since I programmed in C++
Does VB support operator overloading?

How about function overloading?

C# can use a different parameter type to differentiate a method, that's overloaded.  Can VB?

Any other use of the term "overloading" that I have forgotten?


Answer : What is Overloading?


But why not just create the new folder on \\server\clients instead of creating it locally and then moving it a little later?

REM Prompt user for a folder name
SET /P NewFolder=Please Enter Folder Name:
REM Check if folder already exists - if not, create it.
IF NOT EXIST "\\server\clients\%NewFolder%" MD "\\server\clients\%NewFolder%"
REM Duplicate files in the template share in the specified folder, forcing overwrite if any already exist.
COPY "\\Server\Template\*.*" "\\server\clients\%newfolder%" /Y
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