Question : MS Access SQL Divide by Zero workaround needed
I am writing some SQL (using Access 2007) that sums a column and then uses this value to calculate a percentage of another summed column. However, if there is no data for the denominator summed column, I get the #error result (divide by zero). How can I just replace this quotient with a zero instead of the #error value?
If Sum(Sales.[Total Sales]) below is 0, then I get the #error value for PayrollPercent, and the form that PayrollPercent value is displayed in does not work (not sure why it does not work and simply does not display #error, but that is a separate question)
SELECT Sum(Sales.Payroll)/Sum(Sales.[Total Sales]) AS PayrollPercent FROM Sales
Answer : MS Access SQL Divide by Zero workaround needed
SELECT IIF(Sum(Sales.[Total Sales])=0,0, Sum(Sales.Payroll)/Sum(Sal
es.[Total Sales]) ) AS PayrollPercent FROM Sales
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