Question : Reset display resolution windows 7
Hi there,
at the first few it seems to be a funny question but I hope I´ll get some help on it. I have got an Windows 7 running pc with an intel onboard graphics from hp with an microsoft display driver. The user changed display settings and the monitor got out of synch. Is there an way to get back to an default resolution without uninstalling driver. I have tried to start in saved mode, looks good at first sight but there is no way to change resolution for the intel driver of course. And my second attempt was an remote desktop session and it also failed because you can´t change display resolution over rdp. the computer is member of a domain so if there are some policy settings please let me know. I need ome tricks to get back my visible screen.
Thanks a lot
Answer : Reset display resolution windows 7
that will keep it from running in the background when you close the form
thread.isbackground = false
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