Question : Use an unbound column from a combo box
I have an Access form (named MainForm) used to submit queries. It has a combo box on it (named cmbStates). The combo box displays the unbound (column 1) which consists of state names spelled out (i.e. New York, California, etc). Column 2 of the combo box is the bound column and it consists of state abbreviations (i.e. NY, CA, etc).
On the report that is produced from running a query, I'm trying to be able to display the state name using the following in a textbox's control source:
When I do so, it's displaying the state abbreviation. I guess because that is the bound column. I want to display the full state state name (column 1), not column 2. How do I do it? I tried something like this but it doesn't work:
Answer : Use an unbound column from a combo box
you have to use a query as record source of the report
include in the query the Lookup table for state and use the State field as one of the column, with an Inner join in the State abbreviation field
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